
时间:2024-02-08 11:57:07


abandon rate 挂断率(衡量客户服务质量的指标之一,计算方式为:拨入客户服务中心的电话总数中客户因等候时间过长而挂断的电话数目占总数的百分比)

例: By choosing the right on-hold music, the company has reduced abandon rate by 50%.

absenteeism 旷工,缺勤

例:Improvements in working conditions helped to reduce levels of absenteeism.

absolute interest 绝对产权,绝对权益

例:The company has an absolute interest in the building.

academic intelligence 学术方面的才智

例:Phrases such as "solves problems well,""displays interest in the world at large,""accepts others for what they are,""admits mistakes,""is goal oriented," and "converses well" suggest that people focus on the worldly side of intelligence, as opposed to just "academic intelligence.

academic smarts 学术方面的`才能

例:It's not the usual way of thinking about it - academic smarts-IQ

accelerated learning 速成学习

例:Accelerated learning shows that language learning an be fast, effective and enjoyable.

access 1 使用,享用权

例1: Access to these files is restricted.

2 : Students have free access to the library's scientific literature.

access 2 进入

例:Its acquisition of the group will allow it to gain access to France's railway business.

accommodation address 临时通信地址

例:Please write to my accommodation address.

account 1 账户

例:When the debt is cleared- as it must be by the time the customer retires- and the account goes into credit, it will attract interest at about 5 per cent.

account 2 客户,生意往来关系

例:The firm is one of our major accounts.

accountancy 会计工作

例: To her, accountancy was a means to find out about business and be paid at the same time.

accounts 1 账目

例:The financial director was accused of falsifying the company accounts.

accounts 2 会计部门 即 accounts department

例: She works in accounts.

accounts manager 会计部经理

accounts payable 应付账款

例: Accounts payable is created when a firm deals with suppliers who extend credit.

accounts receivable 应收账款

例: Assets include cash, accounts receivable, inventory, property and equipment, and patents.

achievable 切实可行的,可达到的

例: Your objectives should be relevant to the job you have applied for and achievable.

